J.S.Bach Brandenburg concerto No. 3, arr. by Stradal

Michael Nanasakov
January 8, 2022ブランデンブルク協奏曲 第3番 ト長調(原曲はBWV 1048)ストラダルによるピアノソロ用編曲
english description
Because of the homogeneity of the sound, all strings, it is one of the most suitable pieces in the collection to be reproduced on the piano. Stradal has arranged the piece with emphasis on the dramatic elements. At the end of the first movement, two chords forming a phrygian finale are notated according to the original, but when performed, an improvisation or slow movement may be inserted as the second movement, as in this recording. The arrangement of the third movement can be performed to brilliant effect as a piano piece if the skeleton notes are captured well.
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